Enlarge My Heart

Such a simple but powerful request, “enlarge my heart.” Three words joined together in Psalm 119 (vs 32b). There are many things I am sure anyone of us could recall with quickness that are commonly asked for and requested throughout the day. Even in our quiet thoughts there are request and desires chattering around our minds. Though what an awesome prayer to ask for a bigger heart, filled with the heart of Christ and the passion of His Spirit. There are no perfect human ambitions or deeds, and we are all definitely far from being a perfect model of rightness. But praises there is a perfect love, there is a perfect heart. Not found in us, but found in Jesus, found in God the Father in who we have access.

Imagine the possibility of global peace if everyone asked for an enlarged heart? A heart with compassion for the weak, concern for the suffering, longing for the lonely, passion for the lost, eager toward serving, open to listening, willing to be available, endearing in speech, caring in approach, kind in motive, tender in expression, fond of building others up, craving consideration, loving sacrificially, driven by unity and to desire nothing in return.

For the love of Christ compels us,” (2 Corinthians 5:14a), to want to be patient and more understanding, to desire to love as Christ has loved. My prayer is that each of you will explore the love of God in your life and reflect on the promises provided through His redeeming love in Christ Jesus. Allow your heart to love for His sake (Lord allow my heart to love more for your sake), for “there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear,” (1 John 4:18a). Through Jesus, love removes condemnation and we get to love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). For that reason let us together seek to be examples of love to those within our environments, fulfilling the greatest commandment (Mark 12:29-31) overflowing as we are filled by God, reciting with gladness that it is the Lord whom “satisfies the longing soul,” (Psalm 107:9).

…with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:2-3 NKJV).